
"""A ‘`for`’ clause, that is, the keyword ‘`for`’ followed by an [[iterator]] and a [[block]].
   (Not to be confused with a complete [[‘`for`’ loop|ForFail]], which also includes an optional [[failure clause|FailClause]].)
       for (person in people) { print(; }
       for (name->person in peopleByName) { print("``name``: ``person.age``"); }"""
shared class ForClause(iterator, block)
        extends Node() {
    "The iterator of the ‘`for`’ clause."
    shared ForIterator iterator;
    "The block of the ‘`for`’ clause.
     Within this block, the variable of the [[iterator]] carries
     the current iteration result."
    shared Block block;
    shared actual [ForIterator, Block] children = [iterator, block];
    shared actual Result transform<out Result>(Transformer<Result> transformer)
            => transformer.transformForClause(this);
    shared actual Boolean equals(Object that) {
        if (is ForClause that) {
            return iterator == that.iterator && block == that.block;
        } else {
            return false;
    shared actual Integer hash
            => 31 * (iterator.hash + 31 * block.hash);
    shared ForClause copy(ForIterator iterator = this.iterator, Block block = this.block) {
        value ret = ForClause(iterator, block);
        return ret;