
"An unspecified inline variable declaration.
 The value of the variable is assigned by the surrounding construct, e. g. the current iteration result, or the caught exception.
     AssertionError ae"
shared class UnspecifiedVariable(name, type = null)
        extends Variable() {
    shared actual MemberName name;
    shared actual Type|ValueModifier? type;
    "An unspecified variable has no specifier."
    shared actual Null specifier => null;
    //shared actual [Type|ValueModifier, LIdentifier]|[LIdentifier] children;
    // TODO use the above more precise type when backend bug is fixed
    shared actual Node[] children;
    if (exists type) {
        children = [type, name];
    } else {
        children = [name];
    shared actual Result transform<out Result>(Transformer<Result> transformer)
            => transformer.transformUnspecifiedVariable(this);
    shared actual Boolean equals(Object that) {
        if (is UnspecifiedVariable that) {
            if (exists type) {
                if (exists type_ = that.type) {
                    return type == type_ && name == that.name;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else {
                if (!(that.type exists)) {
                    return name == that.name;
                } else {
                    return false;
        } else {
            return false;
    shared actual Integer hash
            => 31 * (name.hash + 31 * (type?.hash else 0));
    shared UnspecifiedVariable copy(LIdentifier name = this.name, Type|ValueModifier? type = this.type) {
        value ret = UnspecifiedVariable(name, type);
        return ret;