
"An interface alias definition.
 An interface alias definition has the following components:
 - [[annotations]],
 - the ‘`interface`’ keyword,
 - the [[name]],
 - the [[type parameters|typeParameters]], if present,
 - the [[case types|caseTypes]], if present,
 - the [[satisfied types|satisfiedTypes]], if present,
 - the [[type constraints|typeConstraints]], if present,
 - the [[specifier]], and
 - a terminating semicolon.
 (While semantically, an interface alias may never have [[case types|caseTypes]]
 or [[satisfy|satisfiedTypes]] other types, these nodes may syntactically still be present.)
     shared interface People => {Person*};
     shared interface Compare<Value> => Comparison(Value,Value);"
shared class InterfaceAliasDefinition(name, specifier, caseTypes = null, satisfiedTypes = null, typeParameters = null, typeConstraints = [], annotations = Annotations())
        extends AnyInterface() {
    "The name of the interface."
    shared actual UIdentifier name;
    "The specifier of the interface."
    shared TypeSpecifier specifier;
    "The case types of the interface, if present.
     (In fact, a class alias may never have case types,
     but nevertheless it’s syntactically valid.)"
    shared actual CaseTypes? caseTypes;
    "The satisfied types of the interface, if present."
    shared actual SatisfiedTypes? satisfiedTypes;
    "The type parameters of the interface, if present."
    shared actual TypeParameters? typeParameters;
    "The type constraints of the interface, if any."
    shared actual TypeConstraint[] typeConstraints;
    "The annotations of the interface."
    shared actual Annotations annotations;
    shared actual <Annotations|UIdentifier|TypeParameters|CaseTypes|SatisfiedTypes|TypeConstraint|TypeSpecifier>[] children
            = concatenate(
    shared actual Result transform<out Result>(Transformer<Result> transformer)
            => transformer.transformInterfaceAliasDefinition(this);
    shared actual Boolean equals(Object that) {
        if (is InterfaceAliasDefinition that) {
            if (exists caseTypes) {
                if (exists caseTypes_ = that.caseTypes) {
                    if (caseTypes != caseTypes_) {
                        return false;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else if (that.caseTypes exists) {
                return false;
            if (exists satisfiedTypes) {
                if (exists satisfiedTypes_ = that.satisfiedTypes) {
                    if (satisfiedTypes != satisfiedTypes_) {
                        return false;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else if (that.satisfiedTypes exists) {
                return false;
            if (exists typeParameters) {
                if (exists typeParameters_ = that.typeParameters) {
                    if (typeParameters != typeParameters_) {
                        return false;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else if (that.typeParameters exists) {
                return false;
            return name == && specifier == that.specifier && typeConstraints == that.typeConstraints && annotations == that.annotations;
        } else {
            return false;
    shared actual Integer hash
            => 31 * (name.hash + 31 * (specifier.hash + 31 * ((caseTypes?.hash else 0) + 31 * ((satisfiedTypes?.hash else 0) + 31 * ((typeParameters?.hash else 0) + 31 * (typeConstraints.hash + 31 * annotations.hash))))));
    shared InterfaceAliasDefinition copy(UIdentifier name =, TypeSpecifier specifier = this.specifier, CaseTypes? caseTypes = this.caseTypes, SatisfiedTypes? satisfiedTypes = this.satisfiedTypes, TypeParameters? typeParameters = this.typeParameters, TypeConstraint[] typeConstraints = this.typeConstraints, Annotations annotations = this.annotations) {
        value ret = InterfaceAliasDefinition(name, specifier, caseTypes, satisfiedTypes, typeParameters, typeConstraints, annotations);
        return ret;