
"""This module defines a bidirectional conversion between `ceylon.ast`
   and the RedHat compiler AST, as well as functions that directly compile code
   to `ceylon.ast` nodes using the RedHat compiler.
   `ceylon.ast` → RedHat AST:
   RedHat AST → `ceylon.ast`:
   Code → `ceylon.ast`:
   For the latter two, there are also functions for (almost) every other
   node type, e. g. [[expressionToCeylon]], [[compileType]], etc.
   All `XToCeylon` and `compileX` functions also take a second parameter:
       Anything(JNode,Node) update = noop
   This function is invoked once for every [[ceylon.ast.core::Node]] created
   with the original RedHat AST node (above aliased to `JNode`)
   and the new `ceylon.ast` Node as arguments.
   It can be used to copy information from the old AST to the new one, for example:
       Key<Token[]> tokensKey = ScopedKey<Token[]>(`module`, "tokens");
       value cu = compileCompilationUnit {
           void update(JNode orig, Node res) {
               res.set(tokensKey, [orig.mainToken, orig.mainEndToken].coalesced);
       // later
       assert (exists tokens = cu.get(tokensKey));
   The default is [[noop]], i. e., to do nothing.
   Another useful argument provided by this module is [[attachOriginalNode]],
   which allows you to later retrieve the original node from [[originalNodeKey]]:
       value cu = compileCompilationUnit {
           update = attachOriginalNode;
       // later
       assert (exists orig = cu.get(originalNodeKey));
       value tokens = [orig.mainToken, orig.mainEndToken].coalesced;"""
by ("Lucas Werkmeister <>")
license ("")
native ("jvm")
module ceylon.ast.redhat "1.2.2" {
    shared import ceylon.ast.core "1.2.2";
    shared import com.redhat.ceylon.typechecker "1.2.2";
    import "1.2.2";